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Heart puzzle on the fridge

A truly heart-warming puzzle!
Author: Stéphane Tourraine, Montrouge, France, [email protected]
Online since: 25/01/2008, Number of visits: 381221
Stéphane from France uses our super magnets for many small projects.
For instance, he needed the magnets to to improve the functionality of his refrigerator.
With this cute heart puzzle on the refrigerator, he can visualise his daily mood.
He writes:
Glue a S-03-01-N with a small drop of superglue to the backside of each of the 40 puzzle pieces and voila! In the blink of an eye, you've got a mini magnetic refrigerator puzzle!
This and other handmade wooden puzzles can be purchased at PMW. The very small puzzes can unfortunately only be purchased in a PMW-Shop but the large puzzles can be purchased online.
Cookies, cats and a heart: Sweet, aren't they?
Cookies, cats and a heart: Sweet, aren't they?
This also works with other mini-puzzles or nearly any other object, actually! (The cat puzzle on the right has 54 pieces.)
Why not mount the cookie box directly at eye height? When the box is full, you'll need four S-05-08-N to hang it.

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